Atlantic Series Update and Changes

Atlantic Series Update and Changes

January 7, 2019 Announcements 0

Dear Members,

Happy New Year!

I hope everyone has enjoyed the short break the Atlantic Series has taken over the past number of weeks. The Scott Open and East Coast Open had a great turnout and hopefully everyone had a great experience. At this time, I would like to provide an update regarding the Atlantic Series Events.

Badminton Nova Scotia (BNS) has reviewed the registration process and we have decided to make some adjustments. Recently, BNS has experienced an increase in the amount of late entries for Atlantic Series Events. Late entries delay our ability to coordinate the tournament and complicate the registration process.

Considering this information, we have decided to add a late entry deadline. Tournament registrations close on the Wednesday, 9 days prior to the tournament start date, the late entry will close on the Friday 7 days before the tournament, there will be a late entry fee of $25. All entries after the late deadline, will be denied. We strongly recommend all athletes register at the earliest possible opportunity, to ensure that all technical issues can be resolved prior to the entry deadline. A notice will be sent to all members when the tournament registration opens.

Finally, Badminton New/Nouveau Brunswick and Badminton Nova Scotia have decided to change the structure of the registration fees for the Atlantic Series tournaments. The new fee structure will be $60 for 1 event, and $80 for 2 or 3 events.

As always, I welcome feedback and ideas to improve our competitions and community. You may contact Badminton Nova Scotia at [email protected]  or myself at [email protected]


Drew Hubley
Senior Tournament Director
Badminton Nova Scotia