A Sport For Life
BNS is dedicated to promoting the growth and development of badminton for all Nova Scotians. As a Provincial Sport Organization (PSO), member of Sport Nova Scotia (SNS) and member of Badminton Canada, Badminton Nova Scotia’s dedicated volunteer board of directors is committed to providing leadership, governance and services to our members and partners to grow our sport througout the province, regionally and nationally.

Operating within the guidelines of Badminton Canada BNS is dedicated to promoting, developing and administering the sport of badminton within Nova Scotia encouraging universal participation in the spirit and principles of TRUE SPORT.

BNS is dedicated to promoting the growth and development of badminton for all Nova Scotians, at all levels.

Committed to providing leadership and good governance for our sport.
Provide an environment in which the sport of badminton can thrive, by offering quality services and innovative promotion to ensure that the needs of both current and future members are met. Lead the growth of badminton and pursue and build a community culture of high performance and excellence