Q: My friends and I want to try badminton for the first time. Who do I contact? How can I find a club/facility?
A: Check out the “Where to Play” on the main page of the Badminton Nova Scotia website or under the Members Menu. As well please be sure to connect with one of our friendly volunteer Directors at Large who may know about places and people in your area that we do not have listed on our website. We will do our best to help you connect with to the badminton community in your area.
Q: I’m interested in watching matches being played at a local badminton tournament. Where can I find times and dates of upcoming tournaments?
A: All Badminton Nova Scotia Scotia Series and Atlantic Series Events are posted to the Events Schedule which can be found on our Events List Calendar.
Community Events are organized by clubs and communities and we welcome posting these to the calendar as well.
Q: I would like to start a club at my local facility. Who can I contact to help with the process?
A: Badminton Nova Scotia is supported by a wonderful community of volunteers who serve on our Board of Directors. Please contact any of the Directors at large and they will be glad to assist and connect you to resources and other badminton people in your area.
Director at Large – Cape Breton, Nick Driscoll
Email: capebreton@badmintonns.ca
Director at Large – Central, Vardhman Shah
Email: central@badmintonns.ca
Director at Large – Capital, Sarah Armstrong
Email: capital@badmintonns.ca
Director at Large – Western, Chris Framp
Email: western@badmintonns.ca