Upcoming Coach Development Opportunity

Upcoming Coach Development Opportunity

January 7, 2018 Announcements 0


Badminton Nova Scotia has an upcoming coach education opportunity. One of BNS’s goals is to have more active coaches in Nova Scotia and throughout Atlantic Canada. Last year BNS ran two successful Comp. Intro. Regional courses – one in HRM and another in Middleton.  Thanks to those facilitators and coaches who invested their time and energy into their coach education.

This year, we are planning a Competition Introduction – Provincial technical and tactical coaching course for Saturday February 17, 2018 from 12pm – 8pm. at Armbrae Academy in Halifax, N.S. The coaching course is designed for coaches who are introducing athletes aged 8-16 years of age to competitive badminton, this level will focus on fundamental skills and technical and tactical strategies of the sport. It is highly recommended that coaches have taken the Competition Introduction – Regional coaching course and/or have previous coaching experience before taking this coaching course.

The course will cost $125.00 which will help to cover the cost of gym rental, equipment, and facilitator fees at the course. If you are interested in taking the course please contact Pat Thompson at [email protected] before February 14, 2018. You can register for the course using The Locker and searching event# 5221074. The earlier you are able to confirm your interest/register the easier as we need a minimum of 4 coaches and a maximum of 12 coaches at the course to move forward.


Pat Thompson

Director Coaching & Officials – Badminton Nova Scotia