BNS Announces 2022 – 2023 Season
Badminton Nova Scotia’s (BNS) volunteer Board and Leadership Group are excited to announce the start of the 2022-2023 season.
Over the past 2+ years the Badminton Nova Scotia Board and Leadership Group have strategically restructured and effectively stewarded the organization and its operations through human resource, financial as well as sport governance and development adversity.
Through the efforts of many dedicated and passionate volunteer community members, Badminton Nova Scotia is ready to launch the 2022-2023 season and begin growing and developing the wonderful sport of Badminton across Nova Scotia. “It Takes a Village… and we are excited to hear how Badminton is bringing communities together again for FUN… FITNESS and FRIENDSHIP to enjoy the world’s fastest racquet sport.”
Steady progress has been made to improve the Badminton Nova Scotia Website to ensure accurate and informative information is available along with key contact information.
Checkout the updated website and signup via the form at the bottom of the main page to receive email notifications when updates are posted.
Be sure to follow BNS on Instagram and Facebook for notifications as well as updates from the Badminton Nova Scotia Member Community from recreational to high performance… we want to connect and share all exciting activities and achievements.
The Badminton Nova Scotia EVENTS LIST & SCHEDULE has all the community, provincial, Atlantic & National competitions and events currently planned for the coming 2022-2023 season. New this year are four (4) weekends identified in the schedule for communities to plan and host local competitions or events to promote and invite all local badminton enthusiasts to get out and play together and experience the social and physical enjoyment of leisure/recreational/competitive skill development & match play.
To kick start the 2022-2023 season it is hoped that people will find an opportunity to gather and play as part of the first “Badminton Nova Scotia Community Event Weekend SEPTEMBER 9 to 11 2022″ and send pictures and captions to our Community Relations email account [email protected] for sharing via Instagram, Facebook and the BNS website.
Badminton Nova Scotia offers CLUB MEMBERSHIPS as well as INDIVIDUAL MEMBERSHIPS. As a result of the COVID experience much more emphasis on, due to liability concerns re insurance as well as contact tracing, management and compliance. As a result any group who joins BNS as a member CLUB must also ensure that all persons who participate also become members of Badminton Nova Scotia by purchasing a $10 individual “COMMUNITY MEMBERSHIP”. This approach is consistent with other sports within Sport Nova Scotia and will enable BNS to better understand who is playing badminton across the province. BNS hopes that past players will also see the $10 individual “Community Membership” as a sort of donation to the sport of badminton on an annual basis as every membership contributes to the sustainability and future development of badminton at all levels.
To JOIN or RENEW YOUR Individual Membership please visit the “MEMBERS – Sign Up… Be a Member” section of the BNS Website. For Club Membership information please email [email protected]
As part of the restructuring of Badminton Nova Scotia over the past 2+ years… four (4) committees were formalized to focus on the core operational and development aspects of the organization.
These committees are:
- Finance & Operations Committee (BNS Board Members)
- Community Engagement & Member Services Committee
- Competition & Events Committee
- Development Committee.
(see Terms of Reference documents in the “OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS” section of the BNS Website under ABOUT or click here )
BNS is seeking members who would be willing to serve on these committees as well as provide ideas and feedback as to how to improve in each of the core four areas.
Calling all BNS members as well as badminton community enthusiasts to a COMMUNITY CONVERSATION on Sunday, September 25th at 7PM via GOOGLE MEET
Sunday, September 25 · 7:00 – 8:30pm
Google Meet joining info
Video call link:
Or dial: (CA) +1 226-316-8705 PIN: 200 157 168#
BNS Board members will host an ONLINE GOOGLE MEET to review committee TERMS OF REFERENCE (TOR), answer questions and receive feedback. This is an open meeting to provide a community forum to connect and engage members of the Nova Scotia badminton community in supporting Badminton Nova Scotia become aware and focussed on priorities and services communities require to be sustainable and growing the sport of badminton in their area.
LOVE ALL… PLAY!!!On behalf of the many volunteers who invest time in directing and supporting Badminton Nova Scotia we look forward to collaborating and fostering a vibrant and enjoyable community for everyone to enjoy the dynamic sport of Badminton here in Nova Scotia.
See You on the COURTS!
Robert Proctor
President (Volunteer)
Badminton Nova Scotia